I’m going to be modeling in this fashion show this weekend. It’s going to be absolutely phenomenal, these girls bust out the coolest clothes in the world, I’M NOT JOKING…
If you’ve never been to a “chikoko” Fashion show and also If you’ve never seen me in a “package package” now’s your chance.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
poem & ART studio space
how can my breath reach
the ears of one
who does not
l i s t e n ?
how can I see
the face of one
who refuses
to see their own
r e f l e c t i o n ?
all eyes
pollen on the wings of wind…
too small,
larger than they know.
your eyes are larger than the world
larger than all worlds
when they look
through the lenz
of my truth.
in stances of dancing shadows
we inject the moons carressing nectar
on the walls of our beloveds homes.
there are no states
seperate from your growing heart
there are no towers of babylon
no traces of poisonus gas
there is only I
and I am you,
touching the tips of your eyelids
breathing the hurricane breath of my destruction
l i s t e n..
the mantis preays on perfection
and never dies
for lack of food,
nutrients are never lacking
in the light of my bodies bones
the core of our beings
a message from the crux:
Are you looking for a collaborative space to make art and create 24-7?
Consider taking part in The CRUX Artist Collective!
We have a couple of Studio Memberships available for a monthly due of $50 dollars.
For application process or questions please reply to this e-mail or call us directly at 530.566.0176 or 530.519.2533
@ Mediation Tonight
So I received this email from a friend, it looks like the times align perfectly with our meditation time here at the art temple. Bonus Round…
T h e P l a n e t a r y G r i d T r a n s m i s s i o n s
M o n d a y ‘ s N e w M o o n
M a y 5
Sacred Form by Mana
A 24 hour transmission period of New Earth energy
with Unified Meditation
at 3 world times:
Sydney 8 pm, Paris 8 pm, New York 9 pm
Opening to Receive the
Universal Language of Light
with Light Body Activation
C o n n e c t i n g i n t o t h e U n i f i e d F i e l d o f N e w E a r t h C o n s c i o u s n e s s
becoming the dish
this is a drawing i did in mexico on a mini notebook i found in the bushes near chichinitza
and also a poem i wrote…
how long takes it?
the movement through big
burning disks,
to infuse and crystalize
within the sight of EYES.
To open between dreams
the impenetrable web of
spiraling white, kissing the
tips of each body.
entering as soon as exiting.
remembering and foretelling,
losing all stagnant striving,
as snake shedding skin
engulfing excrement
becoming the dish that drives
their ships to-wards
on a journey into
Gaia’s gifts.
who’s eyes kiss angels lips to
ruffle known surface
to ignite movement
in service
of mamas trueness,
to talk with love filled lungs is purpose
and without which, we don’t deserve this.
Que Rico
Que Fuerte
mi mamacita blanca
she who’s body mutated in a sacred movement to give birth to these bodies.
Que Magnifico
to know in my bones
that within the bones of each one
is known
this same esoteric proof of “I”
to tantricly infuse a light body
with the pure white magicians EYE.
“How old are you?”
When I look into your eyes
I see a child…
Do you remember your first breath?
can you imagine the moments in temporal space held
in order for your lungs
the parenthesis of THEE.
I look into your eyes and see.
You stare at the amazing gift
that is FOOD.
I KNOW that all of your actions
and are
shaped by the discrepancy of your eye
to decide
and even this decision is so highly determined by the faith you had in those “in charge”.
and to unwrap this package
to the first Guttural screech
that shattered
then fused
with that which is YOU,
This is my light,
this is the sword of truth
which forever scribes the insides of these eyes.
y our life.
a tale that tells itself through each action.
as simple as a walk through the garden
each step
each breath
an opening.
an opportunity
There’s a new reading group book starting Thursday May 1st from 8-9pm.
I’ve been following Dr. Megs work for a while. It’s a bit new Age but hey, we are living in a new Age…
Interviews of Dr. Meg These archives are free, you just have to sign up for the website. It’s an AWESOME resource!
I thought this review was cool, cause it was actually a bunch in one…
By JL – See all my reviews
After reading this book, I bought 8 copies as holiday gifts for teachers,health care professionals and fellow parents. Some comments from the 9 readers follows:
*** I understand now that my child is not a problem. He has talents and abilities that are different and he has something wonderful to contribute to this changing world.
*** How to create a love of learning in our schools is clear now.
*** We wonder how our children can create life on a planet that is envrionmentally unstable. Within this book is the answer to that question, in the children’s own words, and how we can support them as they envision the future.
*** Our children have so much to teach us,now is the time to listen closely. There is great wisdom in their truthful hearts. I began listening as I read those pages. I listen more intently to what my daughter has to say now and I understand the depth of her observations.
*** The children in my classes have absolutely changed over the last 20 years. I had no truthful way of explaining what was occuring until I read this book. Aha!!
*** As a health care provider I’ve suspected that cronic illness in adults and children is a symptom of a society that is out of truth with itself. The children confirm this and are clearly able to discern the truths that we have forgotten. The outlook for healing ourselves has just gotten infinitely brighter!
*** This book has inspired a new way of interacting with my students that is both practical and creative.
*** I am reading this book again. I am grateful for the beauty of the message and the openheartedness and courage of the messenger
more reviews here
cheers & blessings
global Prayer Tonight at 5pm
I’ll have the space set up for this meditation and we’ll join James & Salle in a global prayer/visualization.
check for here for more info
Join with thousands in a guided prayer meditation to uplift our world…
Free Live Gathering with James & Salle Redfield
Tuesday, April 22
8 pm Eastern/US
Click here for other local times
Convert time to your local zone
If you can’t join us, please hold a supportive
prayer vision for the world at that time…
OMG. Mexico. Que Rico. I have returned from the land of serpents, pyramids, monkeys and agua azul but will never leave these places behind. heres a couple of pics, i have 894 more…
I’m off to Mexico with my dear friend Emily to check out pyramids, art, blue water, jungle etc, etc, etc…
I’ll be posting pictures & adventure updates when I return.
In Love and Light Always,
dragonboy 56
Welcome hOME
STEPPING STAIRS for charioteers
beyond the minds belief.
this tale is only told
in the dialects of WIDE
She who’s voice
sings wildly through innocent action.
a dancing monkey to incite
divine turbulence in temple walls
to ignite divine thunder within
a brilliant green firestorm, to envelope
consume, renew
and re-activate
that which was the norm.
miracle makers shake ancient
white dust from skycaves crimson caverns,
the little one smiles
and you know
the little one speaks
and there are NONE
who do not PAUSE
The tale played out like this.
restrictions didn’t suit the loving suitors, so like a butterfly she grew wings and fluttered to the skycave, all stared in gestures of amazing grace to trace with inner eyes the pattern of this awakening flight. inner eyes knew truth as elephant trunks unwound from icy heaven to the boiling ground. incessant are the whispers and the smallest insects glitter until all is created only in full awareness of the unfathomable gifts of this “BREATHING”
each breath a tidal welling and crest of lucid remembrance
the ending
contained within
the beginning.
welcome hOME.
what is the use of words if not to unite to bee-love-ids?
don’t save
don’t stay too long
don’t pray for waves that will never crash
don’t push signs out of sight until road dead ends
don’t stand without energetic synthesis
without divine kisses
tendrils touching each buzzing instinct that is I.
play the tape backwards to thwart on-lookers
looking through stained glass eyes as big
as Military Might
we might capture each other
for an instant
beyond words like MEN fishing
only excuses to eat donuts and chew coppenhagen
how often you trick your own mind into turbulence
how brave to challenge your own cherished tongue
to taste the tales that tell no lies
until breath becomes sour
and vile
dancing villains unify to concrete your feet in oversized boots
but brave hearts beat wildly when submerged and put to the test
bright eyes smile kindly when minds find the time
too tempting and traversing white peaks to merge endlessely
purple crows ask
what is the use of words if not to unite to bee-love-ids?