these ones are painting a new world
2007 April
cheap burningman ticket
Burning Man Ticket – $220
Reply to:
Date: 2007-04-26, 3:16PM PDT
I bought this ticket for 265.00, which is what they are going for now. Unfortunately, I will not be able to use this ticket. My loss is your gain. Give me a call.
Location: Sacramento
it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 319462692
chikoko freakin rocks you should so go to this!!
a living link
a living link
to the passages
of your endless praises.
how can i not greet eyes
with the intimate sense of grace you gift me with.
your daily restaking claims of nothingness,
you who
reveals the hidden
through fires finger tips
through water’s constant change.
Secret Secret show this saturday
You won’t see performance like this anywhere else.
changes in meditation schedule
Hello BeautiFULLs, I’ve changed the schedule of mediations at the art temple. Check it above, basically Wednedsdays moved to Thursdays.
Thanks Blessings,
These are going to be some AWESOME films & events. I was blessed with the task of designing the logo & poster, hosting workshops & curating art shows at the crux & downtown
check out the schedule & the crux