Welcome hOME

STEPPING STAIRS for charioteers
beyond the minds belief.
this tale is only told
in the dialects of WIDE
She who’s voice
sings wildly through innocent action.
a dancing monkey to incite
divine turbulence in temple walls
to ignite divine thunder within
a brilliant green firestorm, to envelope
consume, renew
and re-activate
that which was the norm.
miracle makers shake ancient
white dust from skycaves crimson caverns,
the little one smiles
and you know
the little one speaks
and there are NONE
who do not PAUSE
The tale played out like this.
restrictions didn’t suit the loving suitors, so like a butterfly she grew wings and fluttered to the skycave, all stared in gestures of amazing grace to trace with inner eyes the pattern of this awakening flight. inner eyes knew truth as elephant trunks unwound from icy heaven to the boiling ground. incessant are the whispers and the smallest insects glitter until all is created only in full awareness of the unfathomable gifts of this “BREATHING”
each breath a tidal welling and crest of lucid remembrance
the ending
contained within
the beginning.
welcome hOME.

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