There’s a benefit put on by a Shamanism group that i’m involved with this friday at 7pm. My roomie Rosey and I’ll be doing an offering, and reading some poetry with muscial accompanyment by Mike Woofchuc. There’s a $10 suggested donation. Below is the flyer I designed for it.
It a bummer that we have a really awesome show at the crux that overlaps this event but that’s just the way it flows sometimes. I’ll still be at the crux dancin all night after the benefit! lovin you,
Hi Dave the house looks great yellow with white spots. This web site is astonishing you the man. I hope to see you soon. If I have any regrets one would be that you and I don’t get to geather more. MY school will soon be over. I think back when you were born over at the Hobart house Mom did all the work I just had the privilege to be the first to hold you. My life was blessed that day and every day after because you are a part of it. Love Dad
Your DAD is so RAD!