Know thyself as thyself is all knowing.

I’m trying to find a place to put the dots
A page or at least a puzzle piece
An allowance to remember when the heat
Burns my eyes I can’t seem to listen
I fail to recognize the heart
Of all that pumps the endless streams of blood
To the friendliest and unfriendly creepers
Who I want to stop and look and listen
If only we could just recognize the light
That animates each others eyes then each day
Would be like a circus
A carnival that never ends, no second guessing
No glancing to the side to avoid the conductors
Who cast the characters that open the top
Where flying elephants eliminate frowning
Faces and in the midst of the toughest turmoil
Each one is a friend to help remember
Ends it only stops and starts again.
What am I charged with?
The dissemination of bliss cookies
Bowls of Green soup on Sundays
Living the life that reveals the mind’s disease
Of course it’s lonely,
a human is drunk on stimulation
Trying to gain that which is only written
Back to capture the child who sat in the tree
Watching them all from above
Like a bird
Unaware of his spying
They with their unrelentless structure
They unknowingly lying.
And as the truth is revealed to the child
He boldly but loving points out their misguidance
Through varying states of circumstance
They try but mind won’t budge
They take it wrong thinking your head is too strong
Then the heart is plowed
And forgiveness allowed and
As they open
You reveal the circumstance of
Their own childhood existence
The tenacity of an elder to disregard
The loving and confused persistence
of youth
“this is not what it’s about”
It’s much deeper and more hurtful
But real
Like a lion devouring the gazelle
God is I says the child
And we must re-write the revelations
To encompass a much broader perspective
We are not from here we just happened to land
And each spirit eye must open in order to understand
A mass awakening, she re-claiming the way she was
Her chaos beckoning and revealing what had lain sleeping for centuries
Each life time a single diary entry
Ye t the book is never closed
And this is what I’m charged with
Reminding the dreamers to write each chapter as it is lived
To quietly offer each breath of life as it is given
A page a day-each chapter revealed in each moment,
Know thyself as thyself is all knowing.

One thought on “Know thyself as thyself is all knowing.

  1. this is very beautiful and strange how i believed I was writing it as I read. i sit in union town and the words ring to what I have been thinking all today and yesterday and since the bus ride.
    I transcribed my sithie’s thoughts and memories as she babbled on and on …. i think I wrote her diary entry.
    thank you, i love you lota
    love chris

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