the room for resting held him
chest up eyes closed
completely relaxed
the dark chamber inside the tree
each empty heart incrementally filled with red digital vitality
EVERYTHING is filled with electric digital fire…
trails, chemical or not, all lead back to this truth
how do YOU plan to channel all of it?
there is a vision, so perfect, as to be the tester
of all other visions.
how then to stand and remember amongst those who long to forget?
they once knew the meaning of the WORD warrior
the action spoke with the heart of the speaker
the dream never escaped, for memory was perceived directly
as you are seeing me, so was it seen.
with careful precise motions you may capture what has been lost
her sword is the one we must now hold.
his gauntlet lay broken, frail, stained, but not forgotten.
a story, his story.
hers is the power that wears no mask
as naked as the way you came.
hers comes of sheer necessity
hers is a power which the big weak men use
to veil their evil ways
but they will fall,
for this crime, her penalty pulls all into her maw.
one day her gown will turn inside out
all will squirm and flail, as an earth worm torn from the soil.
will you climb out of the sky cave?
emerge from your holy digital shackle?
to face what’s next
will you channel ALL OF IT?
here we will meet
time without end
W O R D.