2 meals a day.
Bread, water.
8 banners to wave
3 eyes to watch
A whole heart, to listen.
Walking up spiral stairs, to know, in the end, this is all I need, your eyes, your bony fingers, the smell of your sweat, right around the place where your hair meets your neck.
There is comfort in your quivering voice, the way your tone vibrates my emotional body into a state of questioning, this is proof, that god exists, everytime a teardrop falls, every time my mind decides yes, or no, a fresh batch of scriptures.
Years and years and years they spend, trying to decipher that which exists here and now, that which gives birth to and lays waste to all myths, that which dethrones kings, which smiles and lovingly beckons the kiss of death, that which gives birth to time then eats it’s own tail.
2 meals a day
Bread, water.
8 banners to wave
3 eyes to watch
A whole heart, to listen.
Just wanted to let you know that last poem reads well.